WP Fiscal Crisis
WPU’s Fitch Rating is “BBB+, “2/6/2023
NJCU Looks to WP for Answers to Fiscal Woes, 07/18/2022
Covid: “The Straw the Broke the Camel’s Back,” 12/19/2021
Hundreds Protest Proposed Layoffs at WP, 11/19/2021
Low Enrollment Plagues WP, 11/17/2021
WP Staff & Students use Social Media to Fight Layoffs, 04/01/2021
COVID-19’s Trail of Devastation at Many NJ Colleges, 1/22/21
State Higher Ed News
TCNJ Appoints Interim President for Two Years, 6/23/23
Summary of State Comptroller NJCU Investigation, 5/18/23
State Comptroller Issues Report on NJCU, 05/18/23
AFT President: Some NJ Colleges & Universities are Struggling, 05/12/2023
Seton Hall Students Sit-in to Support Africana Studies, 05/06/2023
State Allocates Funds to Help Older Students Finish College, 05/03/2023
TCNJ President stepping down, 04/24/2023
Push for Oversight of NJ Colleges & Universities, 01/26/2023
College Presidents Request More Funding From State, 4/26/2022
Rutgers Strike News
Details of Rutgers agreement, 4/30/2023
Slow progress to reach agreement with Rutgers, 4/22/23
Aspects of tentative settlement of Rutgers strike, 4/16/23
Framework reached to end Rutgers strike, 4/15/23
Pay inequities at Rutgers’s campuses, April 13, 2023
Rutgers strike update, 13 April 2023
Rutgers strike issues, 10 April 2023
— Rutgers Strike Begins this MONDAY (4/10/23) at 9:00 a.m. —
The AAUP-AFT, Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union, and AAUP-BHSNJ, representing over nine thousand workers (full and part time faculty, graduate workers, postdoctoral associates, and EOF counselors) remain far apart with Rutgers University management on bargaining. Because these union members have been without a contract for close to a year, a strike will begin at 9:00 a.m. Monday, April 10, 2023 at all three campuses.
While a strike is always a last resort, the New Jersey labor movement is ready. This is not something we want to do – but are being forced to do.
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO stands in 100% support for these workers and will stand side by side with them on the picket line. We urge anyone concerned about respect and dignity for workers – including our elected officials at all levels of government, to please join us.
We urge all workers – union and non-union alike, and the entire Rutgers’ Community, to join our brothers and sisters in their fight for respect, job security, affordable health care and fair compensation. From faculty to maintenance workers, to service workers, to security, to parcel delivery: Lets show Rutgers what solidarity looks like!
We urge every Central Labor Council, Building Trades Council and local unions to stand together and send a strong message to the Rutgers’ Administration that “an injury to one is an injury to all.” Picket line information is:
New Brunswick Campuses: Strike HQ is 11 Stone St (union office, off College Ave)
Picket shifts: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 1 p.m. -5 p.m.: 4 main picket lines
College Ave: Main Picket Site: 43 College Ave, outside Scott Hall (smaller pickets at times may set up in front of Winants, AB, SCI)
Main Large Rally site: Voorhees Mall
Cook/Douglass: corner of George and Chapel Dr./Nichol Rd
Livingston: Rockefeller Rd. and Ave A at entrance to campus
Busch: outside Campus Center, 604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, bus stop side
Camden: Strike HQ is Armitage Hall 466
Picket shifts: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Outside Camden Campus Center
Newark: Strike HQ is Conklin Hall 245: Hourly shifts 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Plaza in front of Robeson Campus Center, 350 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Newark
Plaza outside Law School between University and Washington
(may be a smaller picket outside the Business School 1 Washington Pl)
To find out more about why Rutgers is going on strike, please visit: https://rutgersaaup.org. The New Jersey State AFL-CIO, the AFT and AAUP will provide additional information on this strike as it develops.
In Solidarity,
On Monday, April 10 our brothers and sisters at Rutgers initiated the largest public sector strike in NJ history. Three Unions, representing graduate students, adjunct faculty, lecturers, librarians and full-time faculty, are fighting for fair wages for everyone and job security for graduate students, lecturers, and adjunct faculty. It is inspiring to see all of these groups stand together with student support to push for a fair contract. This fight has direct relevance to our negotiations. They won’t end this strike until the demand of all three groups are satisfied. It is a remarkable and powerful instance of solidarity in action.
I encourage everyone who is able to try to get out and spend a couple of hours on a picket line in support of our Union brothers and sisters. A number of our members have already joined picket lines at New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden Campuses on Monday and Tuesday. Our presence has been greatly appreciated by the Rutgers Union leadership and members.
I know that this is a difficult time of the semester, and that for some people their schedule precludes them from participating. But if you can please try to make your way to the location closest to you and add your presence. The Council will reimburse mileage, tolls, and parking for those attending pickets, rallies, or other strike related events. I know that people on the picket line are really encouraged by the solidarity shown by sister Unions. If you go, let the Rutgers members know that you are there supporting them from a sister Local, they will really appreciate it and you will be welcomed warmly.
If you are going please check the news right before you leave to make sure the strike hasn’t been settled. Right now there is not a good sense of how long this will last – it could be over tomorrow or it could last through the week and beyond. Many of the strikers are wearing a tee shirt emblazoned with the slogan: An Injury to One is an Injury to All”.
Let’s help them make that message resonate across the State.
In Solidarity,
Tim Haresign